123movies - Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese] Watch here for free (2024)


  • Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese]

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123movies - Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese] Watch here for free (11)

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123movies - Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese] Watch here for free (12)

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A modern action adventure road story where a 17-year-old girl named Suzume helps a mysterious young man close doors from the other side that are releasing disasters all over in Japan.

Actors: Kana Hanazawa, Kana Hanazawa 25 February 1989, Tokyo, Japan Amanda Céline Miller, Amanda Céline Miller 10 September 1987 Ann Yamane, Ann Yamane Aimi Terakawa, Aimi Terakawa Lena Josephine Marano, Lena Josephine Marano Eri f*ckatsu, Eri f*ckatsu 11 January 1973, Oita, Japan Nichole Bloom, Nichole Bloom 15 December 1989, Santa Clara County, California, USA Sairi Itô, Sairi Itô Rosalie Chiang, Rosalie Chiang Hokuto Matsumura, Hokuto Matsumura June 18, 1995 in Shimada, Japan Kotone Hanase, Kotone Hanase ...»

Genre: Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Animation

Director: Makoto Shinkai Makoto Shinkai 9 February 1973, Nagano, Japan

Country: Japan

Release: 2023

IMDb: 7.6


Duration: 122 min

Keywords: #Eri f*ckatsu #Hokuto Matsumura #Makoto Shinkai #Nanoka Hara #Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari)

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123movies - Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese] Watch here for free (38)

DIRECTORS OF "Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese]"

Makoto Shinkai 9 February 1973, Nagano, Japan

123movies - Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese] Watch here for free (40)

CREATORS OF "Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese]"

Makoto Shinkai 9 February 1973, Nagano, Japan

123movies - Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese] Watch here for free (42)

ACTORS OF "Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese]"

Kana Hanazawa 25 February 1989, Tokyo, Japan Amanda Céline Miller 10 September 1987 Ann Yamane Aimi Terakawa Lena Josephine Marano Eri f*ckatsu 11 January 1973, Oita, Japan Nichole Bloom 15 December 1989, Santa Clara County, California, USA Sairi Itô Rosalie Chiang Hokuto Matsumura June 18, 1995 in Shimada, Japan Kotone Hanase Jennifer Sun Bell

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123movies - Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese] Watch here for free (55)

GALLERY OF "Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese]"

123movies - Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari) [Audio: Japanese] Watch here for free (2024)


Where can I watch Suzume no Tojimari in the US? ›

Watch Suzume | Prime Video.

Will Suzume come to Netflix? ›

Netflix announced that Suzume, created by acclaimed filmmaker and novelist Makoto Shinkai, will be available on the service in 169 countries from today. More countries will be added next year. In Japan, the animated film started streaming exclusively on Netflix on April 5.

Why Suzume no Tojimari is not available? ›

Posted Nov. 15, 2023, 5:45 p.m. The popular anime film Suzume, directed by Makoto Shinkai, is set to stream globally in most regions, but India and the broader South Asian/Southeast Asian areas won't have access.

Is Suzume worth it? ›

For my money, this is the best animated film of 2023 (2022 in Japan). Fresh score. Suzume is not only one of the best films of 2023 it is one of the greatest animation films of all time.

Will Suzume be on Crunchyroll? ›

Suzume is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

What is Suzume's age rating? ›

Other than the scenes noted above, there's nothing of concern in Suzume for children aged 8-13 years. There's nothing of concern in Suzume for children aged over 13 years.

How old is Souta? ›

Suzume's lead characters, Suzume and Souta, also have a discernible age difference. Suzume is 17, and Souta is 21, which is less extreme than in Shinkai's past films, but it's still something that's been debated within Shinkai's fandom.

What is the meaning of Suzume? ›

/suzume/ sparrow. countable noun. A sparrow is a small brown bird that is very common in the United States and in other parts of the world. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers.

Is Suzume a love story? ›

Suzume is a film about a protagonist who goes on a journey to "close the doors" on disasters. It should be noted that this is not a romance movie. While I won't spoil whether any romantic elements come into play, this is primarily a story about Suzume's adventure and finding closure/moving on in life.

Is Suzume no Tojimari a flop? ›

Suzume Ranks 8th In Netflix's Top 10 Non-English Movies

Suzume's ranking so highly on Netflix fully cements it as a global hit, and its success is nothing but a good sign for Netflix's future involvement with anime.

Is Suzume and Weathering With You connected? ›

Your Name, his 2019 follow-up Weathering With You and Suzume act as a trilogy of sorts as they provided an outlet for the filmmaker to examine his feelings over the impact natural disasters have had on him, and Japan itself.

Is Suzume dubbed? ›

This new anime adventure features character design by Masayoshi Tanaka, art direction by Takumi Tanji, animation by Kenichi Tsuchiya. The English voice cast includes Nichole Sakura as Suzume, with Josh Keaton as Souta; Jennifer Sun Bell as Tamaki; Joe Zieja as...

Does Suzume make you cry? ›

The Romance of Suzume Highlights the Strengths of the Protagonist. The romance at Suzume's center is really only a piece of what makes the movie so emotional and impactful.

Is Suzume coming to Netflix? ›

Makoto Shinkai's blockbuster 'Suzume' now available on Netflix.

Is Suzume a kids movie? ›

With terrific animation and a story that'll make you laugh and move you to tears, Suzume is anime that viewers of almost any age can enjoy.

Is Suzume no Tojimari available on Amazon Prime? ›

Suzume and Several Other Crunchyroll Anime Listed on Prime Video.

Is Suzume no Tojimari released us? ›

The movie was finally released in the U.S. on April 14, 2023. Suzume is now being re-released in over 200 North American theaters on October 27.

Is Suzume no Tojimari on Spotify? ›

Suzume no Tojimari - song and lyrics by Paintamelody | Spotify.

In which apps is Suzume available? ›

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.