Best Warframe Energy Sources, Ranked (2024)

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In Warframe, if you actually want to use your Warframe, you need Energy (which is its sci-fi equivalent of Mana). Back in the day, Warframe Energy sources were so few, that a support Warframe like Trinity was hailed as a savior. Nowadays, Warframe has given its players so many Energy sources, it can be dizzying to choose. So we’ll do the choosing for you with our listing and picks for multiple Warframe Energy sources.

Warframe/Companion Mods

These come in the form of either Aura mods or main mods for either your Companion or your Warframe. Most of them have one recurring pattern, they regenerate Energy slowly.


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As such, they’re not the best way to get Energy in the heat of combat and you should rely on them too much. Still, some of them are cheap and accessible power sources, especially for newbies.

6. Energy Siphon

  • Squad receives +0.6 Energy Regen/s

Like the old Warframes, the Energy Siphon mod has seen better days. It has been power-crept and you’d be excused for thinking it is near-useless. We’ll even recommend just using Corrosive Projection instead if you want a Naramon Polarity Aura mod. You can’t do much with 0.6 Energy per second.

5. Energy Generator

  • Dethcube drops an Energy Orb after assisting in 10 kills.

It’s certainly more reliable than Energy Siphon, but the caveat is that you’ll have to limit yourself to using Dethcube, which isn’t exactly the most exciting Companion. And more often than not in high-level content or in Steel Path, Dethcube will just spend most of its time dead, making this mod difficult to maximize.

4. Archon Flow

  • +185% Energy Max | Enemies killed byCold Abilities have 10% chance to drop an Energy Orb. Cooldown: 10s

The idea is to use this one instead of the Primed Flow mod if you already have that slotted. It can translate to free Energy if you’re lucky. But the Cooldown seems long or unnecessary and you also have to rely on Cold Abilities (not damage), so there goes its main appeal. Still, if you’re using Frost, which is still a good Warframe, then this mod will see a lot of mileage.

3. Archon Stretch

  • +45% Ability Range | Abilities that dealElectricity Damage restore +2 Energy/s over 5s.

Volt appears to be one of the most popular Warframes right now, so this mod is quite decent. Sadly, it’s a bit too limited once you’ve grown out of your Volt phase (which can happen once you’ve tried out Gauss).

2. Equilibrium

  • Health pickups give +110% Energy. Energy pickups give +110% Health.

You’ll be sacrificing a mod slot for this, but if your Warframe has no other sources of Energy generation, then it’s a good placeholder. It will still let you pick up and consume Health Orbs even if your Health is full (and if your Energy isn’t full). This can be too reliant on your kill speed, however, so it can fall off hard depending on your weapons or Warframe abilities.

1. Energy Nexus

  • Warframe receives +3 Energy Regen/s

Move over Energy Siphon, this is the new kid in town. Three Energy per second, while still modest, is not too bad. It will still take up a valuable mod slot in your Warframe so it’s not exactly the best Warframe Energy Source. Also, it doesn’t work if something’s draining your Energy (such as an ability or an Eximus enemy). But this is a lot better than Energy Siphon.

Grimoire Mods

You need the Grimoire weapon for these mods, which means finishing Whispers in the Walls, which means it’s not accessible for beginners or some mid-game players, but one of them is great, practically free Energy with just an attack.


You will also need to sacrifice your Secondary and turn it into a utility tool instead of a weapon (if you’re playing Steel Path), but that’s a better deal than sacrificing a precious Warframe mod slot. First, though, you have to farm them. That’s the hard part.

2. Khra Canticle Tome Mod

  • Enemies have a 12% chance to drop a Universal Orb on death.

The chance can be a bit low, but keep in mind that the orb can both heal and give Energy. The big drawback here is that it’s worded vaguely; only kills with the Grimoire count. If the grimoire isn’t doing enough damage, then this mod is useless.

1. Xata Invocation Tome Mod

  • Alternate Fire grants 1 Energy Regen/s for 20s for each enemy hit. Stacks up to 10 times.

Given how the Grimoire’s alternate fire is an area attack or AoE, this is the better Tome Mod between the two (though you can use both at the same time). You don’t even have to kill anything, that’s 10 Energy per second, which is pretty good. It still won’t counteract channeling abilities, so use it wisely.

Archon Shards

Archon Shards are difficult to obtain so you would expect some bigger bonuses, but we take what we can at this point in the Warframe endgame.

Besides, Archon Shards mean you don’t have to disrupt your mod slots just for a semi-sustainable Warframe Energy source. And again, one of them is slightly better than the other but you can inconsequentially use both without much.

2. Violet Archon Shard

  • Health pickups give +20% Energy. Energy pickups give +20% Health. (30% if Tauforged).

It’s a mini-Equilibrium mod and you’re going to need several of them to actually get it up to par with Equilibrium. However, you save up a mod slot in your Warframe. It’s not too bad.

1. Amber Archon Shard

  • +50% Effectiveness on Energy Orbs. (+75% for Tauforged.)

Each Energy Orbs gives out 25 to 50 Energy (depending on the variant). Two or three of these Shards can be up to par with a Rank 2 or 3 Arcane Energize. That’s how good they are, and they can free up a valuable Arcane slot.

Other Sources

These other sources are a mix and match of consumables and universal abilities that seem more unconventional than others. They can be preferable since they won’t take up mod slots or Arcane slots.


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However, they can also be unreliable, especially since one of them has a long cooldown while the other won’t work with channeling abilities.

2. Squad Energy Restore

  • Large: Restores Energy to all squad members. Pulses 100 Energy every 7.5s for 30s.

It’s one of the oldest Warframe Energy sources and they work like potions with a long cooldown. Also, you have to craft these things and they don’t work well in missions where you can’t stay put in one spot. They are the best, however, at topping up your Energy at the start of every mission.

1. Zenurik Wellspring

  • 5 Energy/s for 30s

Zenurik, when it first arrived, became the undisputed Focus school in Warframe. Nowadays, it has its alternatives, but it’s still used by many players, especially intermediate ones. It gives five Energy per second though it still won’t work while you’re channeling abilities.

However, given how it’s almost free, you’d be handicapping yourself by not using it if you have no other Energy source.


3. Exodia Brave

  • On Heavy Attack Kill | +5 Energy Regen for 4s. Stacks up to 3 times

In theory, it looks great; 15 Energy per second is big. But in practice, it can be clumsy to keep weaving it into your attacks, especially if you’re not using a proper melee build. Because you have to expose yourself too much in melee range, it’s a bit limited in its use.

2. Emergence Dissipate

  • While in Void Sling | Press Attack to dissipate the endpoint in a 10m radius. Enemies hit create a short lived Void Mote that replenishes 10 Energy on pick up.

Emergence Dissipate has a similar problem with Exodia Brave where you have to perform some short hoops to get it working. This can be a problem if your Operator dies fast (which can happen a lot in Steel Path). It also mostly only works in melee thanks to the 10-meter radius.

1. Arcane Energize

  • On Energy Pickup | 60% chance to replenish 150 Energy to self and allies within 15m. 15s cooldown

Arcane Energize is still the best option for a Warframe Energy Source, provided you can kill enemies fast and reliably enough, which shouldn’t be hard. You can practically turn a 25 or 50 Energy Orb into a 175 or 200 Energy restore, and it works with channeling abilities like Gloom or Mesa’s Peacemaker.


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You don’t even need a Rank 5 for most of the game. A Rank 3 is usually enough and can be comfortable if you combine it with another Warframe Energy source above. That’s why you don’t miss an opportunity to get this one without spending Platinum.

Best Warframe Energy Sources, Ranked (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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