Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (2024)

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Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (1)

I must say that this Snickerdoodle Cake was certainly fluffy, anddecadentlydelicious! I have loved snickerdoodle cookies since I was very young.

So being able to craft a recipe that was able to really master and pinpoint that snickerdoodle flavor I loved so much from my childhood was just splendid!

Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (2)

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Make it at home

Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe

Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (6)


Author: Andres Regalado

Recipe type: Dessert


  • ½ Cup of Brown Sugar Substitute
  • ½ Cup of Butter
  • 3 Large Eggs
  • 2 Cups of Almond Flour
  • 1.5 Teaspoons of Cinnamon
  • 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
  • ½ Teaspoon of Salt
  • ½ Teaspoon of Xanthan Gum
  • ¼ Teaspoon of Nutmeg
  • Sweet Cinnamon Topping:
  • 2 Teaspoons of Sweetener
  • 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon


  1. Preheat oven to 330 and grease 8x8 baking pan
  2. Combine butter, eggs, brown sugar substitute, and vanilla extract (I prefer using an electric mixer)
  3. Slowly add dry ingredients, while mixing in-between
  4. Spread evenly in baking pan, making sure the top is even with a flat spoon or spatula
  5. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the top springs back when pressed
  6. Mix together the sweetener and cinnamon for the topping and sprinkle right over the warm bars
  7. Cut and enjoy!


Serving size: 1 Square (Total recipe makes 16 servings)
Protein 4.10g, Carbs 3.12g, Fiber 1.50g, Sugar Alcohol 0.00g -- NET CARBS: 1.60g


Reader Interactions


  1. Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (7)MLP says

    What kind of almond flour do you use? When I bought some previously, it wasn’t finely ground enough in my opinion.


    • Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (8)The Low Carb Diet says

      I apologize for the late response, but I use Bob’s Red Mill. I find it to be finely grounded, but it is considered both a flour and meal.


  2. Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (9)Buttoni says

    This cake sure looks GOOD! I’m not eating many desserts these days, but will definitely try this when I start them up again.


    • Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (10)The Low Carb Diet says

      Oh it is certainly delicious! One of my person favorites!! Let me know what you think of it!


  3. Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (11)dee says

    looks wonderful, what kind of brown sugar substitute are you using? I could only find the splenda blend which has too much sugar. thanks!


    • Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (12)Andres Regalado says

      I used a great value brand, which I’m sure is just as high in sugar. But I plan on trying a low/0 carb brown sugar mix that I’ve heard a lot of good things about!


      • Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (13)dee says

        Care to share the name? I like the taste of brown sugar better than white and am sad to have to avoid it!


        • Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (14)Andres Regalado says

          Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been trying to create a resource for all low carbers. Theres a link on my right sidebar and on my top navigation bar which has my low carb shopping resource page. Hopefully it helps 🙂


  4. Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (15)Diana says

    DiabetiSweet has a brown sugar choice that is cup for cup like brown sugar but is a substitute. I use it often!


    • Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (16)Andres Regalado says

      I’ve tried a few other options, but that def worth a try!


  5. Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (17)Rachel says

    This is awesome. Picky boyfriend liked it too! I feel like it would make a good dough for carrot cake too.


    • Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (18)Andres Regalado says

      Glad you both enjoyed it! I think that would be a great idea for using it for carrot cake! I’ll have to put it on my list of things to try 🙂


  6. Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (19)Lille says

    This looks amazing!!! I too am a diehard snickerdoodle fan but the storebought are aaaawful 🙁
    What’s the xanthan gum do? Is it to stabilize or thicken or?? I’m curious bc the cookie recipe has cream of tartar – to stabilize egg whites and I assume bind the cookies together but keep them soft? I don’t have cream of tartar so I thought I’d make this cake instead – but I also don’t have xanthan gum! lol. Which is more worthwhile to get and do they serve the same purpose?


  7. Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (20)Deb Lantz says

    Thanks for the work you put into your website. So many recipes and so little time! I made your Snickerdoodle cake yesterday and while it was, indeed, as moist as your note indicates, it was rather bland. No one taste/flavor popped out. I wish it had delivered on the “Snickerdoodle-y” title! Likewise, it took nearly twice as long to bake as the recipe indicated. Thanks!


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Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cake Recipe - The Low Carb Diet (2024)


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