Suburban House Ideas - Features, Types, and Advantages (2024)

A suburban house is a residential area existing as a part of an urban area or a city. They are less populated than inner cities, which makes commuting easier.

Suburban House Ideas - Features, Types, and Advantages (1)

Source: Deposit Photos

Suburbs initially emerged in the 19th-20th on a large scale. They were a result of development in rail and road transport which made commuting feasible. Few suburbs have their own legal jurisdiction. This doesn’t apply to the suburbs located within the administrative boundaries of cities.

Types of modern suburban houses:

We introduce you to varieties of unique suburban houses. Keep reading ahead to explore modern suburban houses if you are planning to get or design one.

1. Cottage Style Suburban House

Suburban House Ideas - Features, Types, and Advantages (2)

Source: Better homes and gardens

Cottage-style homes are quite informal and woodsy. They give an evoking dreamy storybook charm. Being said that, they are absolutely perfect for vacation homes. It is a comfortable destination for someone who travels and switches places too often. These stays could be a go-to place for people with transferable jobs. Cottage-style houses are effortlessly inviting for people having a desire for minimalistic, wooden finish touch spaces.

Also Read: Different Types of Houses Around The Globe

2. Victorian Style Suburban House

Suburban House Ideas - Features, Types, and Advantages (3)

Source: House Beautiful

Suburban House Ideas - Features, Types, and Advantages (4)

Source: House Beautiful

Victorian style comes with bright and contrasting painted colors. They give a royal festive look with their intricate lines and copious trims. These types of suburb-style houses are very spacious and carry a classic aura. By being spacious it proves to be an inviting place for large families as well. It fulfills the criteria and needs of basic modern house requirements. (such as spacious kitchen, luxurious rooms, elegant exterior spaces)

3. Farmhouse Style Suburban House

Suburban House Ideas - Features, Types, and Advantages (5)

Source: 33 Decor

Who doesn’t wish for a farmhouse? A rush-free, peaceful place away from the city crowd? Aesthetic would be a perfect word for the farmhouse-style suburban house. They are not just visually pleasing, but traditionally fulfilling as well. With grand and open space who won’t feel alive and at peace? You can even get out your love for gardening and organic farming and make a place like this essentially alive.

4. Traditional Colonial Style Suburban House

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Source: Thought Co

The choice of area is an important factor if you consider designing your suburban house in a traditional colonial style. They are always trendy and never ever go out of style. The exterior look is finely traditional, ancient giving you the British essence. They come with spacious rooms and classy interiors. Therefore, this is a kind of space worth settling for!

5. Craftsmen Style Suburban House

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Source: Homes for sale Salem Oregon

The craftsmen-style suburban house is gaining popularity all over again. Perhaps, people are highly interested in designing the exterior and interior according to their will.

Yes! The craftsmen-style suburban house can be customized according to you. So why hold back when you can pour your creativity and customize your living space? There’s nothing more pleasing than designing a place that will reflect your personality!

6. Ranch Style House

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Source: COOL House Plans

These aren’t multistoried huge houses, but definitely spacious. They came into the spotlight and gained popularity when the demand for suburban houses began. Therefore, if you are a minimalistic person, you should definitely go for this simple yet classy style.

Advantages of having a Suburban House:

  • Costs:
  • In no metropolitan areas of the United States, the average cost of a detached family home was available to be purchased. According to the NABH survey, the average home in America costs $245,552-33 percent less than the homes in metropolitan areas.
  • Suburban and country properties are 10% less expensive per square foot than Cory residences. Did you know? – the typical price of a home in the province was $213,000 compared to $324,000 in the city.
  • The average cost of necessary products for metropolitan and rural families in Pennsylvania was examined by analysts. They discovered that those who live in the open save money, including groceries, medical services, transportation, and most notably, lodging. It costs 12.7 percent less in rural areas.
  • The United States has a lot of big places. Provisional zones make up 97% of the country. But according to the American Community Survey (ACS) which is run by the US Evaluation Bureau, just 22.6 million (19.3%) of the country’s accommodation units are rustic.
  • In contrast, metropolitan areas have a population of 94.4 million (80.7%).

As a result, if you’re feeling confined in your neighboring city quarters, these details will help you figure out why.

Suburban House Ideas - Features, Types, and Advantages (9)

Source: Trendir

Construction Freedom and limitation

1. You can get your hands and mind on the entire space while constructing it. Right from the bricks to your beds. This ritual can be done with your family along with the manufacturer.

2. Depending on your ideas and visions you can rejuvenate your desired place. Name it and you could have it! Right from a pool, treehouse, open restrooms to a huge veranda. This is the biggest advantage of having a spacious suburban space.

3. If you decide on purchasing uncultivated land in order to custom your home, this property will stay permanent. Not only will you be able to build a larger home for less money, but you will also be able to build a multi-generational home. This includes separate visitor suites and pool cottages from the main house. Multiple main rooms with en suite bathrooms, and separate security doors, etc. Everyone can contribute to the cost of living in a multi-generational home.

4. Building a home in the country will allow you to leave a positive mark in the community. While critics may associate suburbia and rural networks with fewer opportunities and a lack of special courtesies. this is no longer the case.

5. In rural areas, you’re more likely to run against constraints on what you can do. Where your developers may work together, there may be few drafting requirements, licenses, and constraints.

Suburban House Ideas - Features, Types, and Advantages (10)

Source: Architectures style

We hope this was a robust analysis that quenched your thirst for suburban house knowledge. Do let us know how this approach and blog seemed. Also, we would really love it if you read other blogs of ours at THE ARCH DIGEST.

Suburban House Ideas - Features, Types, and Advantages (2024)


What are the features of suburban areas? ›

Compared to rural areas, suburbs usually have greater population density, higher standards of living, more complex road systems, more franchised stores and restaurants, and less farmland and wildlife.

What are the advantages of suburban housing? ›

Suburban living offers a peaceful and quiet environment away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It provides a sense of community and safety, making it an ideal place to raise a family. Access to spacious homes with yards and proximity to parks and recreational spaces also make suburban living appealing.

What style are suburban homes? ›

During the mid-20th century, the small, uncomplicated Cape Cod shape became popular in suburban developments. A 20th-century Cape Cod is square or rectangular with one or one-and-a-half stories and steeply pitched, gabled roofs.

What qualities do suburbs have? ›

The use of the term suburb usually implies a few characteristics of the built environment: sprawling, low-density development; predominantly single-family residential uses; the separation of retail and commercial uses into strip malls, shopping malls, big box stores, and suburban office parks; automobile dependence; ...

What is typical suburban things? ›

Besides homes, there are usually some other buildings in the suburbs as well. While most businesses, stores, and restaurants are found near the suburbs, there are often some small shops, gas stations, cafes, and schools there as well. Most children living in the suburbs attend a school that is also in the suburbs.

What defines the suburban ideal? ›

An examination of the history of suburbanization in the United States shows that the suburban ideal has, from its beginnings, been associated with a vision of family togetherness, meaning that husband, wife, and children choose to spend their leisure time with one another.

Which best describes the advantage of living in a suburban area? ›

Which best describes the advantage of living in a suburban area? Suburbs give people access to city jobs along with more living space.

What are the pros and cons of suburbs? ›

Pros entail more space, bigger houses, lower expenses, a peaceful and quiet environment, a lot of greenery, better safety and school system, less traffic, and a strong sense of community. Cons include longer commutes, limited access to cultural amenities, a lack of diversity, privacy, and employment opportunities.

What are two advantages of suburban hotels? ›

Quick access to expressways makes it easy to visit clients or get to nearby cities and offices. These hotels are typically situated in areas with little congestion or traffic, making driving and walking a pleasure.

What are the three types of suburbs? ›

In the eyes of the American Communities Project,“the suburbs” are not one thing; rather they are a diverse set of places — Urban Suburbs, Middle Suburbs, Exurbs, and even parts of the Big Cities.

What is a suburban household? ›

Farther away from the hustle and bustle of a city's downtown, filled instead with low-density, single-family dwellings with more space and characterized by spiraling outward growth (“suburban sprawl”), the suburbs are home to millions of people and animals alike.

What makes a suburban? ›

Suburban areas are lower density areas that separate residential and commercial areas from one another. They are either part of a city or urban area, or exist as a separate residential community within commuting distance of a city. As cars became the dominant way for people to get to work, suburbs grew.

What are the features of the suburbs? ›

The houses are characterised by their front and back gardens, garages and bay windows. This area also contains some council housing. Land values are typically medium. The land is cheaper than in the inner city, which is why the houses are larger and have bigger gardens.

What are 3 characteristics of a suburban community? ›

11 qualities of a suburban area
  • Space. Because you aren't located in the heart of the city, you'll generally have more living space in a suburban area. ...
  • Located near common amenities. ...
  • Larger houses or rentals. ...
  • Close-knit community. ...
  • Medium-sized population density. ...
  • Peace and quiet. ...
  • Suburbs tend to have less crime. ...
  • Higher cost.
May 23, 2023

What qualifies as suburban? ›

A suburb is a place where people live just outside of a city or town. There are lots of houses in suburban areas, but not as many other buildings as urban areas—maybe just one or two small shops or stores.

How do you define a suburban? ›

/səˈbʌbən/ Suburban refers to areas just beyond a city's border. Your parents might have grown up in the city and then moved to a more suburban area after they had kids. If you see a lot of malls, plus houses that all look the same, and you're just outside a city, then you're in a suburban area: the suburbs.

What qualifies as a suburb? ›

: a smaller community adjacent to or within commuting distance of a city. c. suburbs plural : the residential area on the outskirts of a city or large town.

What is it like to live in a suburban area? ›

Maybe you work in the city or spend time in the city on the weekends, but your living situation keeps you outside of the hustle and bustle. Suburbs commonly have plenty of single-family homes, local parks and much less traffic than you'll find in the city.

Why is it called a suburban area? ›

Sub-urbs were small settlements that grew up outside, or “under”, the city walls. They were only there because the city was there. So by analogy even the large sprawling suburbs of, say, London, Paris or New York, are places where people reside and have some economic relationship with the larger or more central city.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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