Why Craigslist Raleigh Pets Are a Bad Idea (2024)

If you are looking to add a new pet to your family we want to take a moment to tell you why Craigslist Raleigh isn’t the best place to look.

Now, here at Leesville Animal Hospital, we cherish every family member who comes through our doors. We would never discourage your efforts to help to rehome oradopt a petin need, but we do want you to know why Craigslist Raleigh isn’t the best place to do that!

Why Craigslist Raleigh Pets Are a Bad Idea

When you love pets as much as we do, we understand your desire to bring home the first puppy or kitten that you see. It’s important, however, that you know exactly what you are getting into which is why we discourage surfing Craigslist Raleigh for your newest family member. Why? Allow us to explain…

Backyard Breeders and Puppy Mills

Recently our state has been making the effort to cut down on the ways in which backyard breeders and puppy mill owners can sell their animals. (You may have noticed that a few years ago they stopped allowing pets to be sold at theRaleigh Fairgrounds.) This is an attempt to control animal health as well as restrict the selling of animals in poor health. Unfortunately, the anonymity of the internet allows for these unscrupulous breeders to sell their animals from the comfort of their home. Craigslist is one of the biggest marketplaces for these breeders and every time you purchase from them, you are supporting horrendous breeding conditions and the unhealthy breeding of animals.

Questionable Health

Not only arebackyard breeders and puppy mill ownersusing Craigslist Raleigh to sell their unhealthy dogs, but some families are doing the same. Sometimes when families have had an unexpected breeding due to not spaying or neutering their pets or when a pet is diagnosed with a health condition they can’t afford, they will put their pet on Craigslist Raleigh. Often these ads intentionally leave out genetic defects, poor health, or disclaimers as to the pet’s health condition and this leaves you holding the bag when you finally find out that your new family member is unwell.

Questionable Characters

Craigslist Raleigh, just like Craigslist anywhere, can be a dangerous place. When you contact someone over the internet, you never know who you will wind up meeting. While it certainly isn’t the case in the majority of ads, we always discourage meeting strangers offline just in case they have questionable intentions.

Unknown Genetics

Many health conditions of our pets are inherited through their genetics. When you purchase a new purebred pet through Craigslist Raleigh, you have no assurances as to your new pet’s health. You can only really be sure of a pet’s genetic health by knowing their history by researching reputable breeders in the area, requesting genealogy reports on your pet’s family line, and asking to see your new pet’s parents.

You’re Taking a Home From a Homeless Pet

When you support backyard breeders or puppy mills, you don’t just provide themwith a financial incentive to continue their operations, but you also take a home from a shelter pet. Shelter animals in our state are killed at astronomical numbers and you can help to reduce that number by opening your heart to a homeless pet instead.

What Should You Do?

If you are looking to add a new member to your family, we encourage you to take a look at some of our local rescue organizations! We are unfortunately a state with far too many homeless animals and too many high-kill animal shelters. When you head to one of these shelters, you are not just saving a life, but you are opening up a position for another homeless pet to find a prospective family of their own.

Not sure which rescue organizations or shelters to adopt from? Give us a call, we’d be happy to help! You can reach us at

Why Craigslist Raleigh Pets Are a Bad Idea (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.