Your Guide to Modern House Design (2024)

Modern house design is an increasingly popular concept in today’s world. Homeowners want modernity not just from the architecture and structure of their property, but also from the interior aesthetic. After all, a contemporary house is chic, trendy, and brimming with personality.

The styles of modern homes worldwide have evolved drastically over the years to suit different needs. Some use an open floor plan to create a sense of space and freedom, while others embrace unique architectural styles and strategies to make properties more sustainable.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for creating a modern home, there are a handful of elements often associated with a contemporary house. Let’s look at what it means to have a truly “modern” house design, and how homeowners can bring a sense of modernity into their own properties.

What is the Modern Aesthetic?

To truly understand modern house design, we first need to explore the concept of the “modern aesthetic.” This is a term used to refer to a specific style, or selection of style choices made during a modern home design project. The modern aesthetic is often defined by sharp, clean lines, bold and coordinated colors, and minimalism.

Modern home designs contrast significantly with traditional house plans, which focus heavily on decorative aspects and flourishes. For instance, in Tudor house plans, it’s common to see a lot of embellishments and elegant components in everything from crown moldings to the structure of the building. On the other hand, in country house plans, we see a focus on comfort and crafty elements.

Modern homes prioritize function over form, meaning every home component has a distinctive purpose. Extra, unnecessary elements are often removed to provide a more minimalist look. Some of the most common components of the “modern aesthetic” include:

  • Neutral colors: Modern styles typically steer clear of bright and obnoxious colors in favor of monochromatic color palettes and simplicity (think of art deco-style homes).
  • Clean lines: Even in modern luxury house design, there’s minimal ornamentation. Modern architecture and interior designs focus on clean, straight lines.
  • Open spaces: In a contemporary house plan, it’s likely to see more open floor spaces. Furniture creates lines between spaces, rather than walls, to create a sense of space.
  • Minimalism: Contemporary design in the home also focuses heavily on minimalism. Anything “unnecessary” is removed from the environment to create a clean look.
  • Geometric shapes: Bold geometric shapes and angles are often common in modern home design. Many modern architectural designs are very different from traditional homes.

How does modern design emphasis function?

One of the most significant defining features of modern home styles is focusing on function over form. Many old-fashioned homes took the opposite approach. For example, an architect of a Tudor house would see every property component as an opportunity to add a creative flourish.

The modern aesthetic requires a sense of minimalism, which means removing anything from the interior design or architecture which doesn’t serve a specific purpose. This aesthetic allows for versatility and coordination at the same time. People can add unique personality to their homes without working around additional design elements.

In modern home design, each property component is chosen to deliver a specific benefit to the homeowner. This might mean a large bed, or bringing more light into a living room with a wide window.

If a decorative object, furnishing, or architectural element in a modern home doesn’t have a practical purpose, it can be removed from the aesthetic entirely. However, the philosophy behind modern home design makes it an excellent choice for anyone who likes simple, uncluttered spaces.

What is minimalism and its role in modern design?

Minimalism is both a movement and a design strategy. It’s a concept focused on the power of simplicity and the desire to reduce clutter and unnecessary elements in a home. Minimalism and modern house design often go hand-in-hand.

As mentioned above, modern design ideas are built around the ethos of function over form. This means the only furnishings and elements included in your home will be the ones deemed “necessary” to the overall design. This school of thought is also typical in the minimalist world, where “excess” is removed in favor of simplicity.

Notably, a modern house plan can have more decorative elements than a minimalist home, as modern home design often tries to balance comfort, beauty, and practicality. Alternatively, minimalism focuses entirely on removing the “unnecessary.”

The combination of minimalism and modern home design has also given way to new trends in property creation. For instance, the “small house” or “tiny house” trend often combines minimalism with modern house plans. The idea of small modern house design is to reduce the elements of a home to the absolute necessities a human being needs.

Why is modern home design so popular?

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to home design. Some people like the vintage appeal of properties built in the past, while others enjoy the luxury of European house plans. However, modern house designs have become more common in recent years.

As the world has grown more complex, many homeowners have begun searching for more simplicity and less clutter in their lives. People love the idea of modern homes because they’re clean, spacious, and free from distractions. The modern house is practical yet beautiful, versatile enough to adapt to the owner’s needs.

Some of the biggest benefits of modern design include:

  • Space: The functional focus of modern home design means architects and interior design experts are cautious with their use of space. Living room spaces and bedrooms aren’t filled with furniture and accessories. This means the living space feels more open and relaxing. People don’t feel “hemmed in” with modern home plans.
  • Light: Modern house design often involves significant amounts of natural light. Glass is a common component in modern architecture, and many experts take advantage of large windows to let sunlight stream through. Exposure to additional light can make us happier, while allowing even smaller rooms to appear spacious.
  • Aesthetics: Modern homes are often deemed trendy, even if they don’t adhere to all of the latest contemporary home ideas. A modern home appeals to the human eye and stands out from other forms of architecture. Because the space isn’t cluttered, people can pay more attention to the beauty of individual elements. This allows for a more pleasing experience.
  • Versatility: Although modern home design generally requires homeowners to follow certain rules around minimalism and functionality, there’s still room for customization. People can bring elements of modern design into virtually any living space. For example, you could create your own modern farmhouse by exposing raw materials like concrete, metal, and glass. You could also decorate your property however you see fit.
  • Sustainability: Many modern home designs strongly focus on eco-friendliness and sustainability. Popular styles of modern homes take advantage of large windows to reduce the need for electrical lights, and some even come with installed sustainable energy sources. A modern home can also take advantage of recycled materials.

What is trending right now in home design?

Trends in home design are constantly evolving, but the modern aesthetic is attracting a lot of attention among homeowners and design experts alike. Recently, we’ve seen a wide range of new trends emerge in the home décor and interior design landscape, including:

  • Natural textures and materials: Natural textures embrace the raw simplicity of modern home design. Everything from dried flowers and grasses for decoration to exposed wood and concrete, are extremely appealing to modern home owners.
  • Multifunctional spaces: Embracing the concept of practicality in modern home design, multifunctional spaces are growing more popular too. Dining tables which also double-up as storage areas, and stools with hidden compartments are quite common.
  • Japandi minimalism: Japandi minimalism combines Scandinavian simplicity with the Japanese concept of Wabi Sabi, which means finding beauty in imperfection. Asymmetrical designs and shapes are common in this trend.
  • Glass lighting: Two major concepts in modern home design come together in this trend. Glass pendant lighting allows for a deep warming hue in any home and brings a sparkling touch of contemporary design into any space.
  • Bright colors: Many modern designers are combining their minimalist and monochromatic color palettes with bright spots of color in today’s home designs. A splash of bright color can help to bring more visual interest to your home. The key is to use blocks of complementary and contrasting colors to create a visual hierarchy.

What are the hallmarks of modern home design?

There is no shortage of modern house design options available throughout the world today. As the demand for modern properties has increased, countless designers and architects have begun exploring new ways of modernizing and enhancing homes.

If you’re looking for ways to make your own home more “modern”, there are various ways to introduce elements of modernity. The hallmarks of modern home design include:

  • Clean Geometry
  • The modern aesthetic’s major elements are clean, simple lines and geometric shapes. Modern homes favor sharp angles and straight lines over curves and ornate columns. Modern house plans will eliminate anything considered to be outlandishly ornamental. A modern home replaces luxurious elements with simple shapes and asymmetry.

    Modern design also includes significant amounts of horizontal and vertical elements to create a sense of hierarchy. Ultimately, a modern house design aims to simplify the home and remove all unnecessary frills and distractions. This can create a more relaxing, welcoming aesthetic.

    1. Natural Light

    Light construction and the celebration of natural light are common in modern house plans. Rather than relying on electrical devices and artificial light, modern homes take advantage of the sun. In addition, large windows in various shapes and sizes help draw some of the outside elements into the home, allowing for a better connection to nature.

    It’s not uncommon to see modern homes designed with an entire wall made from glass to let as much light in as possible. What’s more, many modern homes use simple blinds to cover windows, rather than relying on shutters, curtains, and other ornamental elements.

    1. Open flooring

    The space in an open house design is often extremely open and accessible. Open floor plans remove the walls that once separated the home’s common rooms, like the kitchen, dining room, and living room. This emphasizes the trend of simplicity and freedom, while allowing for more personal and intimate in-home experiences.

    While the bedroom or master suite might remain a place of privacy, many other components throughout your home will be separated by furniture, rather than walls. Unfortunately, this also allows for the natural light from windows to flood the entire home at once, making living areas too bright at certain times of the day.

    1. Natural Materials and Neutral colors

    The use of natural materials is common when finding a style for either a contemporary or modern home. Natural materials often contrast well with a modern property’s sharp and technological elements. Materials like wood, stone, and exposed concrete make a bold statement, connecting properties to the past, while focusing on the future.

    Natural materials in a modern house design are often combined with neutral colors like black, white, and brown, to reduce the visual strain of the interior aesthetic. In addition, untreated concrete, stone colors, and muted paint tones can make a property feel more calming and serene.

    1. Simplicity and Function

    As mentioned above, minimalism is crucial to successful modern home design. Everything in a modern space has a purpose. No sources of clutter or additional ornamental features are added to a home without reason. Instead, modernism keeps things straightforward, which helps to improve the openness of the overall space, and make a home feel more spacious.

    However, while simplicity is key, there’s still scope for homeowners to add their own “functional” but comfortable elements, like a fluffy rug for contrast against an exposed concrete wall.

    1. Smart Features

    A smart home and a modern home are two separate things. However, as the modern aesthetic is often focused on practicality and functionality, smart elements are becoming more common. As a result, many modern house plans today come with smart elements, from devices that can be controlled via apps on a smartphone to automated heating systems.

    Smart elements also contribute to how the home is structured. For instance, designers might experiment with different storage strategies to make the most of the available space, without allowing clutter to overtake the home design.

    How can you give a traditional house a modern twist?

    The versatility of modern home design means it’s possible to bring elements of the modern aesthetic into your property, even if your home isn’t “traditionally modern.” The exterior design of a property doesn’t necessarily need to match the internal appearance.

    Homeowners can even transform specific elements of their home with modern components, like the home office or the living room, while embracing a different aesthetic in the bedroom. Some of the easiest ways to add popular interior design styles in the modern movement to your home include:

    • Remove decorative elements: Remove ornamental components from your home which might belong to more traditional design periods. For instance, you could switch a large ornate fireplace out with a simple marble hearth. You could also consider replacing your window coverings with basic blinds to provide more natural light.
    • Make some color changes: Swap complex wallpaper and similar decorations with single blocks of color, broken up with pops of other shades. For instance, you could have a neutral wall with a brightly colored painting in the center.
    • Update your fittings: Change the fittings in your kitchen and around your home with more straightforward and simplistic design. Switch vintage doorknobs for contemporary, sleek items with straight lines. Replace painted handles with metallic or wooden alternatives.
    • Rearrange your furniture: Adjust your furniture to open up the space in the room. Get rid of anything which adds clutter to the space, like endless throw cushions, and replace them with just one or two simple pillows in a single block color.
    • Showcase more natural materials: Go back to the roots of your home by showcasing more of its natural materials. For example, have an exposed concrete or brick wall in your kitchen decorated with open shelving. Or consider removing the carpets in your living room and replacing them with untreated wooden floorboards.
    • Update your exterior: “How much value does curb appeal add?” You may be surprised by the answer. Small elements like a modern post box or a freshly painted front door can impact the modern nature of your home. You can also remove cluttered flower beds and keep your lawn trim to create a modern aesthetic.

    What are Some Ideas to Make My Home More Modern?

    There are various ways to make your home more modern. If you already have a pre-built structure, you probably won’t be able to do much to change the style of the space with new architecture. However, you can convert the inside of your home into a more modern experience.

    Just some of the ideas you can use to make your home design more modern include:

    • Eliminate the clutter: First, go through your home and remove everything which isn’t necessary or practical. This doesn’t mean you have to throw away your family photos or prized artwork. However, you should eliminate anything that doesn’t actively contribute to your happiness. The trinkets you want to keep should be stored safely in cabinets and drawers rather than sitting on tables and desks.
    • Choose essential accessories: Opt for practicality and simplicity over ornamental appeal when adding accessories to your home space. For example, replace a selection of different ornaments on your fireplace with a mirror, or a single piece of contemporary art. Minimize the number of accessories you leave lying around the home. This will also give you less to worry about when you’re cleaning.
    • Invest in smart devices: Go beyond the surface level and add a few technical elements to your home. For example, consider implementing new blinds you can control with your smartphone so you can allow light into your property from wherever you are. Think about swapping a range of kitchen accessories out with a single unified device that can do everything you need with different functions.
    • Use glass to create space: Glass and modern home design are often closely connected. You don’t need to bring glass furniture into your home, or replace a wall with a window. However, you can use glass to open up your space. For example, replace shower curtains with a clear glass screen to give your bathroom a more modern touch, or use a glass divider to separate your kitchen and dining room, while maintaining your open floor plans.
    • Remove a wall or two: If you can make a few changes to your bungalow house plans or ranch house plans, consider removing a wall or two. Before breaking down walls, plan the different zones you will have. You’ll also need to think about creating gaps between these locations. For instance, you could create a bar out of wood and exposed concrete to separate your kitchen and dining room.
    • Choose the right colors: Neutral and monochromatic colors are most common in modern home design. However, there’s nothing wrong with having a pop of color from time to time too. Choose your color options based on the contrast they can bring to your design choices, and try to stay away from any cluttered patterned designs.

    How can I make modern design my own?

    One of the reasons modern home design has become so popular, is it allows people to add their own aesthetic and personality to a home. When you remove all the clutter and added extras from your architecture and floor plans, there’s more space to let your own style shine through.

    The key to success is ensuring your sense of style doesn’t overwhelm the modern elements. Instead, focus on bringing small, focused elements of your personality into each room, one at a time.

    For instance, to make your living room's modern design more personal, look at how you can enhance the space. Placing a large square rug in the middle of your floor doesn’t detract from the modern aesthetic, provided you don’t choose something too overwhelming or with complex patterns. You can also add mirrors and paintings to your walls without harming the image you’re trying to create.

    If you’re trying to build a modern kitchen, consider creating contrast between natural exposed elements and homely touches. For instance, an exposed concrete wall, a wooden bar could be combined with a vase of flowers in a clear glass container, or a selection of photo frames displayed on your wall.

    In the bedroom, you can focus on adding your own personality through comfortable accessories and components. For instance, a luxurious furry throw over your bed can add a burst of color to a monochromatic bedroom (and give you more warmth during the winter months). A couple of extra decorative pillows can also make your bed more inviting.

    When adding your elements, keep minimalistic. If you end up with multiple accessories displayed on one counter or table, try to reduce them to just one or two. The space should always be clear and uncluttered.

    What services does Modern Aspect offer?

    Modern Aspect is a company committed to simplifying the quest for a more modern home aesthetic. Focusing on the power of curb appeal and the external appearance of your home, the organization produces a range of great ways to highlight your modern style.

    Often, the front of the home is the first thing anyone will see. Using modern mailboxes, house numbers, and similar accessories can help you easily enhance your home's outside appearance, without requiring you to make any huge architectural changes to your property.

    Modern home design offers everything from beautiful, mounted mailboxes to address planters that combine form with function in the true style of modern living.

    Your Guide to Modern House Design (2024)


    What makes a modern house design? ›

    Modern home design emphasizes clean lines and geometric shapes. No more are features such as arches, ornate columns, window shutters, or any outlandish ornamentation. In place of these features that at one point spoke of luxury and wealth are simple shapes and intentional asymmetry. The opulence of the past is no more.

    What are modern house design specifications? ›

    Modern home plans present rectangular exteriors, flat or slanted roof-lines, and super straight lines. Large expanses of glass (windows, doors, etc) often appear in modern house plans and help to aid in energy efficiency as well as indoor/outdoor flow.

    What is the basic of the modern house? ›

    Modern house design is all about embracing simplicity. Create a space with clean lines to form simple geometric shapes. Arrange the furniture in a way that creates balance between horizontal and vertical clean lines. The intentional play of lines and geometric shapes will create a luxurious and rich design.

    What is modern vs classic home design? ›

    Classic is typically associated with sophistication and timelessness, so if you prefer this style, then you need to make decisions that meet its requirements. A modern design, on the other hand, can be trendy and minimalist, with all technologies, such as TVs or DVD players, plain in sight.

    What are the 4 characteristics need to consider in designing the house? ›

    Choosing your house design is one of the most exciting phases of building a new home. Essentially the key attributes of a great home include liveability, functionality, convenience, comfort and style. The layout and the way the space functions are key to a comfortable home.

    What does every modern house have? ›

    “Overt modernism is often marked by rational organization, open spaces, clean lines, large windows, and crisp detailing. A modern space is also well edited and warm, and it should surprise and delight you as you move through it.”

    What is a normal size modern house? ›

    The average single-family house in the United States has overall increased in size since 2000. It reached its peak of 2,467 square feet in 2015 before falling to 2,299 square feet by 2022.

    What is the difference between modern and contemporary? ›

    Modern art is that which was created sometime between the 1860s (some say the 1880s) and the late 1960s (some say only through the 1950s). Art made thereafter (e.g., conceptual, minimalist, postmodern, feminist) is considered contemporary.

    What is the modern house style called? ›

    While contemporary design is of the current moment, modern design is inspired by the early to mid-20th century, right around the 1920s – 1970s. A very popular subset of this design style is called midcentury modern, which is inspired by the 1950s and 1960s.

    What does a modern house look like inside? ›

    Characteristics of Modern Style Interiors

    Clean lines and square shapes. Floor-to-ceiling windows. Wide and low-set furniture. Open floor plans and living spaces.

    What is the difference between a modern house and a normal house? ›

    In stark contrast to their traditional counterparts, modern homes are a bold leap into the future. They embrace minimalism, clean lines, and innovative technology, creating an environment that is both refreshing and contemporary.

    How to make a house look modern interior? ›

    Popularly, a modern home design uses neutral colors to elevate the sense of functionality. You can use black, white, grey, or beige colors on the walls and most of your furniture. Since these monochromatic shades tend to make the space feel dull, you can add pops of color to your home decor.

    How can I make my modern house look better? ›

    Strive for a Clean Look

    Here, you can lean into minimalism, which uses a “less is more” approach, to help you achieve the light and airy feel that many modern homes have. In order to achieve this, choose functional furniture and minimal decor pieces, and avoid clutter where possible.

    What is the cheapest way to build a modern home? ›

    Cheapest Ways To Build A House: 10 Tips For Affordable Home Building
    1. Simplify Your Home's Design. ...
    2. Try A Tiny Home. ...
    3. Hire An Experienced Home Builder. ...
    4. Save Costs By Becoming A General Contractor. ...
    5. Get Your Design Plans Approved. ...
    6. Budget, Plan And Price Out All Items. ...
    7. Choose Building Materials Wisely. ...
    8. Buy Materials At A Discount.

    What is considered modern design? ›

    Modern design is an interior design style characterized by a monochromatic color palette, clean lines, minimalism, natural materials, and natural light. It refers specifically to a historical aesthetic movement that took place during the early to mid-twentieth century.


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